It’s Parvovirus Season Again! Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
April 16, 2018 4:46 pm Leave your thoughtsParvovirus is a highly contagious virus that attacks your dog and can lead to lifelong heart problems. Although parvovirus can be contracted throughout the year, spring is the most common season for outbreaks. If you’re a dog lover, continue reading to learn more about this nasty virus and the importance of dog vaccinations in Phoenix, AZ.
How is it transmitted?
Parvovirus is mainly transmitted via the feces of an unvaccinated and infected dog. Any object, person or animal who touches that feces can become a carrier. It’s more commonly transmitted in crowded urban areas where there are a lot of dogs. The problem is that parvovirus can live for weeks or even months on objects like toys, food bowls, shoes or carpeting.
What are the symptoms?
Parvovirus has several nasty symptoms that tend to show rather quickly if your dog is infected. The most dangerous symptom is diarrhea that can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening dehydration. Infected dogs also experience vomiting, are lethargic and have a loss of appetite.
How is it diagnosed?
Since the symptoms above can be signs of issues other than parvovirus, tests need to be performed to make certain that your dog does in fact have parvovirus, and not some other illness. An enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) test is a quick and easy test performed on your dog’s stool that can diagnose parvovirus in as little as 15 minutes. Since the test isn’t always 100 percent accurate, your vet may also want to perform some blood work. Either way, it’s important to bring your dog in as soon as you suspect something is wrong. A fast diagnosis can make a big difference in your dog’s health!
Which dogs need the vaccine?
Every puppy should receive the vaccination to lessen the chance that he or she contracts the virus. However, certain breeds are more susceptible to parvovirus. For one reason or another, Rottweilers, Doberman pinschers, Labrador retrievers, American Staffordshire terriers and German shepherds are all at a higher risk of contracting parvovirus. Bring your puppy in today for dog vaccinations in Phoenix, AZ, especially if you have one of the breeds mentioned here!
How is it prevented?
Keeping your puppies away from infected dogs helps ensure that they don’t get parvovirus. But, as we’ve seen above, the virus can lie dormant for long periods of time on objects and surfaces. For this reason, it’s crucial that you should disinfect your dogs’ toys, food bowls and living spaces fairly often. The only real way to prevent your puppy from contracting parvovirus is to bring him in for a vaccination. The parvovirus vaccine is part of the 5-in-1 vaccine that also protects against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza. Consult your vet today about giving your puppy the right vaccines at the right time in his life.
Don’t gamble with your dog’s health—come to Christown Animal Hospital today for dog vaccinations in Phoenix, AZ! Most vaccinations can be administered in minutes, and they can mean the difference between life and death for your pet.
Categorised in: Dog Vaccinations
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